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Monday, March 28, 2011

First anniversary of the Uncharted Waters online character, KyleGarrett.

For my Korean friend in Uncharted Waters online, I'll write post about Uncharted Waters online in both Korean and English. Korean will be written in sky blue color. So you don't need to worry about you can't see sky blue letters cause by Unicode problem. 

한국 대항온 친구들을 위해, 대항온과 관련된 포스트는 한국어와 영어로 동시에 씁니다.
한국어로 된 포스트는 하늘색으로 쓸 예정입니다.
그러므로 외국분들은 하늘색 글씨가 안보인다고 해서 걱정하실 필요 없습니다.

English words about Uncharted Waters online can be different from words in Uncharted Waters Online Global server since I play Korean server only.

대항온에 관련된 영어단어는 대항온 제가 한국섭만 해서 글로벌 서버와 다를 수 있습니다

The following post is almost same as uploaded in TalkPlayEat guild Naver Cafe,which is my guild's site in Korean social community, Naver, except for 
message for my guild members and original one was written in only Korean.

아래의 포스트는 네이버 카페   TalkPlayEat  길드에 올린 것과  길드원에게의 메세지와 TPE길드에 올린 것이 한국어로만 쓰여 졌다는 것을 제외하면 동일합니다.

The photo of information of a notepad file which contains my character's information file. 

The file says my character, Kyle Garrett had been made in March 28, 2010 10:24:39 PM
제 캐릭 생성정보를 가지고 있는 파일입니다. 
이 파일에 의하면 제 캐릭터 Kyle Garrett 은 2010 3/28 10:24:39 PM에 생성되었다고 합니다.
Photo of my character, Kyle Garrett (Male Character)

The Female character behind  Kyle Garrett is my sub-character, 
제 캐릭터 Kyle Garrett의 모습입니다(남캐)
Kyle Garrett뒤에 있는 여캐는 부캐인 Tia Cervera 입니다

There have been many events since I create this account.

그동안 많은 일이 있었네요..

When I was a newbie, although I don't know about shipbuilding skill,  I went to Oslo to buy a timber to make shipbuilding component by vasa and my ship was sunk by pirates.
(Vasa is one of the elemental ship in this game, not good for voyage for long distance.)

조선랭도 모를때 평갑판형 소형선채를 만들때 목재란게 필요해서 바사타고 오슬로 갔다가 난파당해서

However, one good user -unfortunately I forgot the name- saved me and gives 

some jewelry so I was able to level up my merchant level and buy a carrack for 

carriage. After that accident, I grew up very quickly  

(At that time, I was worried about buying new ship since I did not have enough 

money and lack of merchant level)

어떤 분이 구해주신후 보석 몇 개 주셔서 그걸로 렙업해서 수카 주신 일 뒤부터 크게 발전한 거 같네요

(그 떄는 정말 언제 바사 벗어나나... 했었음)

For this reason, when I build a ship, I made a carrack for carriage and give it to 

England newbie users. 

그래서인지 현재 교양조선랭작 할 떄 되도록이면 수카 만들어서 잉글초보분께 드리고 있어요

After the event, I heard a rumor that if I join a guild, I will get more explorer 

experience when I discover new ports.

Therefore, I joined a TalkPlayEat(TPE)guild << Gaining more experience was rumor ;; :(

그 뒤 길드를 가입하고 항구를 발견하면 경험치를 더준다는 루머(?)를 믿고

TPE에 가입하게되었습니다.;;  <<길드 가입한다고 경험치 더 주는거 아니더군요;; 

I'm really thanks to "Flore" who recommend me TPE guild.

이 길드 소개해주신 플르오르님께 감사드려요

My current level is

Experience: 33 (uncertain)

Merchant: 52

Battle: 16

And my fame is little more than 50,000 so I can wear a "Circumlunar Cape"

현재 렙= 33(모렙은 불확실)/52/16  명성합 5만 약간 넘어서 서컴라이더 망토 겨우 입을 수 있네요

I'm really thanks to following and I hope they enjoy their sailing.

My Guild Members who helped my development after riding carrack for carriage, 

수카 이후로 성장하는데 도움을 주신 길원분들과,

Many English Merchants who helped trading diamonds with me before patch in September 7.

발주서 패치전 리습에서 다이아 푸실분! 하신 뒤 다이어 푸러 같이 가주신 여러 잉글분들(요한웨슬레님 등)

DOHC1004, who helped my England story event,

잉글이벤트를 도와주신 DOHC1004님,

Lee Yun-Jin, who offered quiz event and buy a money to buy a big carrack for 


퀴즈이벤트로 상대카 살 돈을 주신 이연진님,

Toroko, |Yu-ki|, who are my chatting friends

대화방 친구 토로코님, |유키|님,

|Gun-In-Bon-neung| and rae, who made sail with me.

함께 조빌만들어 갔던 |군인본능|님과 rae님!

모두 감사드리고 순항되세요!

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