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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cute and Nice dog, DooBoo

Last Saturday, I went to park near my house.

The park located in very close place,  3minutes by work.

The building on the right is an apartment where my house in it and there is a  park over the fence in the left of the photo

In park, there were many people and their dog.

Among the cute and nice dogs, DooBoo was loved by many people, especially for children.


  DooBoo is a white male dog. Although he is young, -7 months- he is not small.

His owner said he is 19kg, weight of a young human child.

DooBoo does not bite anybody. He did not bite other dogs and people who touch him.

But owner said DooBoo sometimes bite his owner for prank.

DooBoo has very soft hair so many people love touch him.

DooBoo was surrounded and touched by many children. 

DooBoo also obey his owner's order. DooBoo can understand "Stand Up"and "Sit Down".

DooBoo's owner offered opportunity to fed DooBoo for children.

A child is feeding DooBoo.

DooBoo eats meat stick.

DooBoo likes running.

DooBoo's owner said if he did not hold him by using leesh, DooBoo run away faster than his owner.

I think DooBoo is very mild and cute dog. His white and soft fur is very attractive.

I hope to see DooBoo next week.


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