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Monday, August 22, 2011

[Math][Linear Algebra] Basis.

Finite Dimensional Linear Algebra: I learned Linear Algebra by this book.
Linear Algebra Done Right: My professor who taught vector space when I was freshman recommended to read this book.

I already know
linearly independent: 
and span:

Then now I ready for define basis.

Definition of basis
Let V be a vector space over V. For {} ⊆V, if {} is
then we call{} is a BASIS for V.

Basis can be defined by other ways. Here is another definition.
Alternative definition of basis
If for∀v∈V, if v can be  written as a LINEAR COMBINATION 
of   UNIQUELY,then we call{} is a BASIS for V.

Proof for equivalence.

For each v∈V, if v= for unique .
∴{} spans V.

The solution of =0 is unique since 0 can be written as a linear combination of  uniquely.
Trivial solution of it is  and it is a unique solution.
∴{}is linearly independent. Q.E.D.

Here is a example of basis for a vector space  which called a standard basis.

Def)  i th element is 1, others are all zero.,
For example,  is (1,0,0) and  is (0,0,1)

We call {}  is a standard basis. for 

proof for {}  is  a basis for 

i)Linearly independent

If =0,  then=0


{}  is linearly independent

ii) Span
For any,  ∃ such that
{}  spans 

{}  is linearly independent and spans  so it is a basis for .

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