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Monday, March 28, 2011

Kyle's sailing: First anniversary of the Uncharted Waters online c...

Kyle's sailing: First anniversary of the Uncharted Waters online c...: "For my Korean friend in Uncharted Waters online, I'll write post about Uncharted Waters online in both Korean and English. Kor..."

First anniversary of the Uncharted Waters online character, KyleGarrett.

For my Korean friend in Uncharted Waters online, I'll write post about Uncharted Waters online in both Korean and English. Korean will be written in sky blue color. So you don't need to worry about you can't see sky blue letters cause by Unicode problem. 

한국 대항온 친구들을 위해, 대항온과 관련된 포스트는 한국어와 영어로 동시에 씁니다.
한국어로 된 포스트는 하늘색으로 쓸 예정입니다.
그러므로 외국분들은 하늘색 글씨가 안보인다고 해서 걱정하실 필요 없습니다.

English words about Uncharted Waters online can be different from words in Uncharted Waters Online Global server since I play Korean server only.

대항온에 관련된 영어단어는 대항온 제가 한국섭만 해서 글로벌 서버와 다를 수 있습니다

The following post is almost same as uploaded in TalkPlayEat guild Naver Cafe,which is my guild's site in Korean social community, Naver, except for 
message for my guild members and original one was written in only Korean.

아래의 포스트는 네이버 카페   TalkPlayEat  길드에 올린 것과  길드원에게의 메세지와 TPE길드에 올린 것이 한국어로만 쓰여 졌다는 것을 제외하면 동일합니다.

The photo of information of a notepad file which contains my character's information file. 

The file says my character, Kyle Garrett had been made in March 28, 2010 10:24:39 PM
제 캐릭 생성정보를 가지고 있는 파일입니다. 
이 파일에 의하면 제 캐릭터 Kyle Garrett 은 2010 3/28 10:24:39 PM에 생성되었다고 합니다.
Photo of my character, Kyle Garrett (Male Character)

The Female character behind  Kyle Garrett is my sub-character, 
제 캐릭터 Kyle Garrett의 모습입니다(남캐)
Kyle Garrett뒤에 있는 여캐는 부캐인 Tia Cervera 입니다

There have been many events since I create this account.

그동안 많은 일이 있었네요..

When I was a newbie, although I don't know about shipbuilding skill,  I went to Oslo to buy a timber to make shipbuilding component by vasa and my ship was sunk by pirates.
(Vasa is one of the elemental ship in this game, not good for voyage for long distance.)

조선랭도 모를때 평갑판형 소형선채를 만들때 목재란게 필요해서 바사타고 오슬로 갔다가 난파당해서

However, one good user -unfortunately I forgot the name- saved me and gives 

some jewelry so I was able to level up my merchant level and buy a carrack for 

carriage. After that accident, I grew up very quickly  

(At that time, I was worried about buying new ship since I did not have enough 

money and lack of merchant level)

어떤 분이 구해주신후 보석 몇 개 주셔서 그걸로 렙업해서 수카 주신 일 뒤부터 크게 발전한 거 같네요

(그 떄는 정말 언제 바사 벗어나나... 했었음)

For this reason, when I build a ship, I made a carrack for carriage and give it to 

England newbie users. 

그래서인지 현재 교양조선랭작 할 떄 되도록이면 수카 만들어서 잉글초보분께 드리고 있어요

After the event, I heard a rumor that if I join a guild, I will get more explorer 

experience when I discover new ports.

Therefore, I joined a TalkPlayEat(TPE)guild << Gaining more experience was rumor ;; :(

그 뒤 길드를 가입하고 항구를 발견하면 경험치를 더준다는 루머(?)를 믿고

TPE에 가입하게되었습니다.;;  <<길드 가입한다고 경험치 더 주는거 아니더군요;; 

I'm really thanks to "Flore" who recommend me TPE guild.

이 길드 소개해주신 플르오르님께 감사드려요

My current level is

Experience: 33 (uncertain)

Merchant: 52

Battle: 16

And my fame is little more than 50,000 so I can wear a "Circumlunar Cape"

현재 렙= 33(모렙은 불확실)/52/16  명성합 5만 약간 넘어서 서컴라이더 망토 겨우 입을 수 있네요

I'm really thanks to following and I hope they enjoy their sailing.

My Guild Members who helped my development after riding carrack for carriage, 

수카 이후로 성장하는데 도움을 주신 길원분들과,

Many English Merchants who helped trading diamonds with me before patch in September 7.

발주서 패치전 리습에서 다이아 푸실분! 하신 뒤 다이어 푸러 같이 가주신 여러 잉글분들(요한웨슬레님 등)

DOHC1004, who helped my England story event,

잉글이벤트를 도와주신 DOHC1004님,

Lee Yun-Jin, who offered quiz event and buy a money to buy a big carrack for 


퀴즈이벤트로 상대카 살 돈을 주신 이연진님,

Toroko, |Yu-ki|, who are my chatting friends

대화방 친구 토로코님, |유키|님,

|Gun-In-Bon-neung| and rae, who made sail with me.

함께 조빌만들어 갔던 |군인본능|님과 rae님!

모두 감사드리고 순항되세요!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kyle's sailing: Cute White Dog, Jang-Goon.

Kyle's sailing: Cute White Dog, Jang-Goon.: "Not only Te-Mu in the last post, but also Jang-goon is cute dog. Jang-goon means 'general' in Korean. Taking photo of Jang-goon is very di..."

Cute White Dog, Jang-Goon.

Not only Te-Mu in the last post, but also Jang-goon is cute dog.

Jang-goon means "general" in Korean.

Taking photo of Jang-goon is very difficult since Jang-goon moves fast all the time or come to me very closely.

Only one photo of Jang-goon was captured: Jang-goon is play with other person so Jang-goon did not move fast; good condition to take photo.

Jang-goon in red cloth.

Although taking Jang-goon's photo is hard, Jang-goon is a special dog for me. 

Jang-goon is the only dog that come close to me when he/she saw me.
(I don't know most of dog's sex. DooBoo is an exceptional case since I heard DooBoo's owner and other dog's owner's conversation about DooBoo.)

When Jang-goon see me, Jang-goon runs to me and stand up like above photo.

At first, I was surprised and worried about being bitten.

My worry was wrong. Jang-goon was good dog and likes to shake hands with me.

Shaking hands with Jang-goon feel really good since the feet of  Jang-goon is very soft.

I hope to be a good friend with Jang-goon.

Kyle's sailing: Cute White Dog, Te-Mu

Kyle's sailing: Cute White Dog, Te-Mu: "I went to the park near my house today. Like last week, there were many cute dogs in there. Today, I knew name of some cute dogs. I'll intro..."

Cute White Dog, Te-Mu

I went to the park near my house today.

Like last week, there were many cute dogs in there.

Today, I knew name of some cute dogs.

I'll introduce Te-Mu in this post.

Te-Mu is the cute dog who I took photos in last week. 

Today, Te-Mu came to the park without his/her(I don't know Te-Mu's sex) cloths.

Te-Mu and another dogs.

Many people called Te-Mu to play with them so I knew Te-mu's name from it.

Children love playing with Te-Mu.

Here is another photos of Te-Mu.

Te-Mu does not like camera. 
When I approached to Te-Mu to take photo, Te-Mu go away  from me or turn his/her head.

Before I took photo of Te-Mu, Te-Mu had seen forward.
However, when I took photo of Te-Mu, Te-Mu turned his/her head.

I hope to take a good photo of Te-Mu and get familiar with Te-Mu.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kyle's sailing: Another cute dog's photo

Kyle's sailing: Another cute dog's photo: "Last weekend, there were many cute dogs, including DooBoo, in the park. I upload another cute dog's photo. This white cute dog has a v..."

Another cute dog's photo

Last weekend, there were many cute dogs, including DooBoo, in the park.

I upload another cute dog's photo.

This white cute dog has a very cute face. It was hard to take photo of this dog's face since it moves fast.

Although this bulldog is little scary, it is a good dog and he bites and carries his toy very well.

Many dogs including the white dog and bulldog.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kyle's sailing: I got my TOEFL score today.

Kyle's sailing: I got my TOEFL score today.: " While I check the email, I found mail from ETS. It said the scores from my recent TOEFL score is now available online. I was nervou..."

I got my TOEFL score today.

 While I check the email, I found mail from ETS.

It said the scores from my recent TOEFL score is now available online.

I was nervous while accessing  ETS website.

My total score is 78. RC=21, LC=23, SP=14 WR=20.

Although I knew I'm not good at speaking, low SP score, lesser than half of the perfect score made me disappointed much.

I thought WR score is the highest, but it was lower than others excepts SP score.

Unfortunately, I didn't finished my second writing on time so its score was marked low.

Fortunately, LC score was higher than I expected.

Consequently, I satisfy the result since the score was higher than lowest score to applicate for exchange student, 67.

I hope I got a good score next time, especially speaking section and writing section.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cute and Nice dog, DooBoo

Last Saturday, I went to park near my house.

The park located in very close place,  3minutes by work.

The building on the right is an apartment where my house in it and there is a  park over the fence in the left of the photo

In park, there were many people and their dog.

Among the cute and nice dogs, DooBoo was loved by many people, especially for children.


  DooBoo is a white male dog. Although he is young, -7 months- he is not small.

His owner said he is 19kg, weight of a young human child.

DooBoo does not bite anybody. He did not bite other dogs and people who touch him.

But owner said DooBoo sometimes bite his owner for prank.

DooBoo has very soft hair so many people love touch him.

DooBoo was surrounded and touched by many children. 

DooBoo also obey his owner's order. DooBoo can understand "Stand Up"and "Sit Down".

DooBoo's owner offered opportunity to fed DooBoo for children.

A child is feeding DooBoo.

DooBoo eats meat stick.

DooBoo likes running.

DooBoo's owner said if he did not hold him by using leesh, DooBoo run away faster than his owner.

I think DooBoo is very mild and cute dog. His white and soft fur is very attractive.

I hope to see DooBoo next week.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Carbonara spaghetti


I ate Carbonara spaghetti as a lunch in school cafeteria in 1st floor.

The cost is 3,500won, which is US$3.1, 2.21.

It is a spaghetti with a cream soup with cheese.

Hams, onions, brocolli, mushroom, and a bagguette are also in it

Pickle and cheese are offered free.(They are not in photo below)

Although it is little oily, it is cheaper than others and makes me feel full enough.

Hence, it is one of the my favorite dishes in cafeteria.

Japan raises nuclear alert level

Japan holds minute silence one week on from quake
Japan has raised the alert level at a stricken nuclear plant from four to five on a seven-point international scale for atomic incidents.
The crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi site is now two levels below Ukraine's 1986 Chernobyl disaster, one of the worst nuclear disaster.
The head of the UN's nuclear watchdog warned in Tokyo the battle to stabilise the plant was a race against time.
16,000 people has been dead or missing by last week's huge quake and tsunami.
The Japanese nuclear agency's decision to raise the alert level to five grades Fukushima's as an "accident with wider consequences".
It also places the situation there on a par with 1979's Three Mile Island nuclear accident in the US.
Meanwhile, further heavy snowfall overnight all but ended hopes of rescuing anyone else from the rubble after the 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami.
Millions of survivors have been left without water, electricity, fuel or enough food; hundreds of thousands more are homeless.
6,405 people are dead and about 10,200 are missing according to the latest figures.
On Friday, people across Japan observed a minute's silence at 1446 (0546 GMT), exactly one week after the disaster.

I little paraphrased the news.

Gaddafi stops military action!

Libya's government is declaring an immediate ceasefire "to protect civilians" in acordance with the UN Security Council resolution, Libya's foreign minister says.
The UN resolution, passed late on Thursday, backed "all necessary measures" to protect civilians, short of an occupation.

Breaking news

A Calculator which can factorize a given integer

Here is a calculator which can factorize a given integer.

By pressing [factor], you are able to  factorize a given integer.

It also offers basic calculation, trigonometrical function(sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan)

and factorial and expectational function and log.

It is a gift from my teacher when I was preparing Mathematics Olympiad during middle school ages.


Fast browser, Google chrome

When I surf the internet, I use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozila Firefox.

I think Google Chorme is the best.

It is faster than others, twice than Explorer.

Also it offers fancy design! I can apply lots of themes suppoted by Google Chrome Theme galary 

I recommand to others to use this web browser.

The download link is below.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Create a blog!

I made a blog today!

Now I can upload and share posts I like!

I'm interested in Math(my major), European history, chess and Uncharted 

Waters online, a sailing computer game.

I wish many people comet to this blog!