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Friday, July 29, 2011

Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind: Castile chronicle in 1419: End of Castilian-Morocco war

Darkest Hour: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about WWI and WWII.
Victoria II: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about 1836~1920 of Europe, focused on Queen Victoria of the British Empire. At that era, Opium war, Napoleon III of France, Annexation of Texas by US and US-Mexico war, American civil war and form of German Empire by Bismark happened.
Europa Universalis III:  DOWNLOAD it and enjoy playing like me!

Last year,in1418, Castilian army eliminated Moroccan army!
In this year, Castile captured some province of Morocco and got it.

A small Moroccan unit was recruited at the Melilla but defeated 

Teutonic order declare war upon Denmark but France dishonored their military alliance since they are still war upon England.

Burgundy revoked trade embargo but recover merchants at Liguria is more important for me.

New recruited Moroccan army was unified but lost and annihilated by glorious Castile army


Castilian army also captured Melilla!
I offered peace that Morocco cede Melilla and Ceuta. 
Tangiers, also captured province, was not included for leaving conquest casus belli.
After peace propasal was declined, I sought some useful province of Morocco and found Sus is very rich province. It will be my next target.

Castile war currupted.. :( Castile gained 3 inflation.

I demanded Sus, Melilla and Ceuta and they accepted.
I can't demand ducat since Morocco was too poor to give money for winner.
In this war, Castile expanded their territory and got prestige but infamy increased.
Totally, it brought big benefit for Castile.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind: Castile chronicle in 1418: A succession of victories against Morocco

Darkest Hour: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive (WWI & WWII).
Victoria II: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about 1836~1920 of Europe, focused on Queen Victoria of the British Empire. At that era, Opium war, Napoleon III of France, Annexation of Texas by US and US-Mexico war, American civil war and form of German Empire by Bismark happened.
Europa Universalis III:  DOWNLOAD it and enjoy playing like me!

 I was worried about my army can be eliminated  by chasing of enemy if they lost one time.
However, my glorious army always defeated the enemy!  

Our troops sieged Ceuta and some Moroccan army attacted them to rescue, but they failed.
After one month later, Ceuta was CAPTURED! 

England called for arms again but it is time to focus on battle against Morocco.
I declined the proposal so alliance between England broke.

Though we won at the Ceuta again, our casualties are more than enemy.
Castilian army chased remnant of Moroccan army and succeeded to eliminate them at Tangiers for revenge. 

Rodrigo de Lara was died. He contributed to improve our trade technology.
Castilian citizen prayed for him... 

Candar offered white peace and I accepted.
They are far away from us so no benefit from victory of the war.
Karaman located near Candar and their army is as strong as Candar. They are similar each other.
Hence I guessed Karaman also may accept white peace. It was right! They accepted!

Other alliance of Morocco make white peace with me.
Morocco fight against me alone with no troops!
Their army was eliminated at Tangiers! DECISIVE VICTORY for me!
Castile will capture some province of Morocco and get it.

Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind: Castile chronicle in 1416~1417 Reconquista against Morocco

Darkest Hour: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about WWI and WWII.
Victoria II: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about 1836~1920 of Europe, focused on Queen Victoria of the British Empire. At that era, Opium war, Napoleon III of France, Annexation of Texas by US and US-Mexico war, American civil war and form of German Empire by Bismark happened.
Europa Universalis III:  DOWNLOAD it and enjoy playing like me!

I thought there is no country that can threaten us.
I declare war upon Morocco to complete the God's mission!

I declare war upon Morocco and some Muslim counties in Asia Minor declare war on Castile.
Fortunately, Algeria, Muslim country border on Morocco, didn't join the war. 

There were both land and naval battle against enemy.
At land, Castilian army is battle against Morocco's army.
Castile is superior than enemy with larger troop and fleet so won at both battles.

While war against Morocco, Aragon joined our military alliance.
I wish that they don't betray like before.
Small  troops of Karaman succeed land assult on Muricia. I have to defeat it.

Oops..Trebizond make peace with Candar. Both nation are located in Asia Minor.
Though Candar is not very treatable since it is far away from Castile, they can land assault mainland like Karaman.

Although Castilian army is smaller than Moroccan army, they achieved victory and got less casualties.

Castilian army chased and eliminated them.

Some Moroccan army was recruited at Ceuta but annihilated by our army.

Papal state lost at the battle and cede a provice.
Humiliation of the Papa.

Our government technology advanced!
Great man was arrieved at Gallicia but great man who already employed was better than him.

Castilian army defeated Moroccan troop at Toubkhal!
If they lost at the battle, they can be eliminated by chasing of enemy!

Karaman tried landing but failed by Castilian fleet.

Though Castile is gaining a series of victories, manpower of the troops are seriously damaged.
I may assure victory after eliminating Moroccan army one more time.
Good luck for our army!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind: Castile chronicle in 1414~1415: New powerful alliance

Darkest Hour: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about WWI and WWII.
Victoria II: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about 1836~1920 of Europe, focused on Queen Victoria of the British Empire. At that era, Opium war, Napoleon III of France, Annexation of Texas by US and US-Mexico war, American civil war and form of German Empire by Bismark happened.
Europa Universalis III:  DOWNLOAD it and enjoy playing like me!

 A great man arrived in Cantabria, province of Castile, but his ability is not so good. so I didn't hire.

BURGUNDY, one of the powerful nation in Europe, border on France, joined my millitray ALLIANCE! 
If France declare war upon Castile, France have to fight against two powerful nations at two sides! 
 WWI Germany

God told me new mission. Continue the Reconquista!
Castile got the casus belli on Morocco.

Naples was lost at the war against Sicily since they got weak by bankrupt.
Sicily succeed to reconquest their core province!

Our land technology advanced! our units will fight better and now I can build armory. 
Good choice for proceeding god's mission.

Aragon dishonored their military alliance. They broke alliance with us too!
Aragon is trustless country.

Though I gained casus belli against Portugal, I don't want to war with Iberian nations.
I'll focus on Reconquista against Morocco. 

Our first constable at the Andalrucia was completed.
Direct tax in Andalrucia will be +25%.

We became PAPAL CONTROLLER!! BEST choice for Castile!

Our merchants are trading useful things.

Our naval technology advanced! However, I'll focus on land since England is war upon France and other nation's navy is not threatening for us.
Our great men died.. He did his best to improve Castile's prestige.

Hmm. Since France is still fighting against England and other countries border on me, Iberian nations, are not very strong. I think it is time to strike Morocco.

Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind: Castile chronicle in 1413: Unnecessary wars.

Darkest Hour: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about WWI and WWII.
Victoria II: Another game made by Paradoxx interactive. It is about 1836~1920 of Europe, focused on Queen Victoria of the British Empire. At that era, Opium war, Napoleon III of France, Annexation of Texas by US and US-Mexico war, American civil war and form of German Empire by Bismark happened.
Europa Universalis III:  DOWNLOAD it and enjoy playing like me!

During this year, there were two unnecessary wars; war against France and Wallachia
Castile did not get any benefits and waste precious manpower.

During moving, our military leader died. Bad sign for the battle.

 Enemy's army is larger than us. I decided retreat.

I lost at  the battle and I offered white peace to France..  Priceless our citizen were died.:(

Trade station was founded at province of Cantabria. It will increase local tax and decline revolt risk. Lucky!

Though Wallachia is located far away from us, I thought that we can gain ducats for them if we won the battle.
I joined war as a alliance casus belli.

Although we didn't get any profit from battle, our merchant are bring lots of wealth at the center of trade.
Our merchant are in the business maximally at Venezia, one of the richest center in Europe.
They are at the Liguria and Andalucia!

Aragon rejected our alliance proposal again;; 

Our production technology was improved!
I can build Constable! 

Poland won at the battle of Wallachia and annexed Wallachia.
We didn't get any advantage from this battle.
I made a promise  myself to not declare redundant war.